Past Projects

“You Belong” Project

The vision for this video is to raise awareness about the State as an employer of choice for immigrant communities, showcase the diversity of the state workforce, and promote the State as a welcoming environment where immigrants can feel valued, appreciated, and belong. The video presentation will showcase several current state immigrant employees' stories illustrating their experience with recruitment, applying, hiring, and onboarding.

In addition, through the stories, you will hear about resources available for immigrant state employees. These include mentoring programs, business resource groups, and training and development opportunities. You'll hear the voices of Immigrant state employees who describe experiences with agency mobility and promotional opportunities to showcase the full career development from recruitment through career advancement. The intended audience is members of immigrant communities and refugees with the relevant skills to diversify the state workforce.

Project Leads: Joanne Lee, Department of Enterprise Services | Philippines & Mustafa Mohamedali, Department of Transportation | Kenya

WIN BRG Lunch and Learn – The Teachers in Our Lives on Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Survey Results

WIN's 3rd-year Anniversary

June 8, 2021

A Cultural Recipe Book is Now Available! Select this link to access.

Visit here for information on how to print




Cultural Recipe Book Contributor Videos:

African Stew by Claris Nnanabu

Korean Rice Cake by Sean Lee, WA Lottery

Active general members are invited to join the following committees. ​For more information and/or to join a subcommittee, complete the interest form here. You can also contact the leaders listed or email WIN at