HAPPEN: Leadership Development Program

When: 1-2 p.m. on the third Wednesdays of the month from January through June.
Series Information:
• Jan. 15: Job application process
• Feb. 19: Self-care is foundational to engaging as your 'authentic' self
• March 19: Self-confidence to start a pathway towards leadership
• April 16: Navigating power dynamics
• May 21: Vision boards
• June 18: Networking panel discussion
All sessions are open to everyone; however, missing a session may be confusing, as the program sessions may build upon previous sessions. Participants can maximize the experience if able to attend all sessions. Sessions will not be recorded. HAPPEN will provide interpreters and/or CART services upon request.
Click here to add the series to your calendar
Please contact the Leadership Development Lead, Lynora Hirata (360) 480-5381 with questions or to request interpreters and/or CART services. For more information about HAPPEN, check out their website.