Exciting Opportunity for all BRG Members to Meet with Attorney General Elect Nick Brown

A headshot of Attorney General Elect Nick Brown smiling.

During this season of transition each BRG has reached out with questions regarding the new administration’s vision and how they will support the communities that you represent.

We heard you and in response we have arranged a 30 min meeting for all state employee BRG members to listen to Attorney General Elect Nick Brown this Thursday, January 9th, from 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.  

AG-Elect Brown will share his vision, mission, and priorities on how the AG’s Office and Team will support all Washingtonians. We hope there is time for a question-and-answer session. 

We know that this is a short turn-around time and want to acknowledge the impact that may cause to your workflow, but we wanted to make sure this meeting occurred before the busy legislative session begins.

The Office of the Attorney General has many responsibilities that impact the lives of all Washingtonians, including:
• Proposing legislation to further protect families and children and provide clear, just and enforceable laws.
• Conducting education campaigns consistent with the policy goals of the office.
• Representing the State of Washington before the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, and trial courts in all the cases involving the state’s interest and defends in court state officers or employees ethically acting in their official capacities.
• Protecting the public by upholding the Consumer Protection Act and enforcing laws against anti-competitive business practices.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from the incoming Attorney General.

Register for meeting with Attorney General Elect Nick Brown.