Celebrating Indira Melgarejo

Dark blue rectangle logo with the letters OFM in white, accompanied by stylized bar with graph four vertical bars in orange, yellow, blue and purple. To the right, Washington State Office of Financial Management is written in white.

Please join us in congratulating Indira Melgarejo as she transitions from OFM State HR as our BRG Coordinator to into her dream job of being a Mental Health Therapist in the private sector. 
Over the last 3 years Indira has positively impacted thousands of lives by laying the foundation and consultation for all of the. Your brilliance will be missed by all of us.
OFM staff and all BRG members will be invited to celebrate Indira and give her flowers and well wishes on Jan. 13 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the L& I Auditorium 7273 Linderson Way SW Tumwater, WA 98501
This will be a potluck event so please bring your favorite dish to share with everyone.
We look forward to seeing you.